Monday, April 15, 2013

A little cough

Our poor baby girl coughed all night long. We are all so tired. Just when we start getting more smiles than tears.... Big sigh.

We are falling in love with our little girl on a whole new level. We were originally in love with the idea of her, the one chosen by God for our family. We saw her cute little pictures and loved her. When we met her and spent time with her, our love grew. The last week has been hard. Sometimes love came easy, sometimes it came with more difficulty. It's hard to love a child you don't know who is screaming and crying and hitting and head butting. I know that may not be politically correct to say, but I want to be honest. People were honest with me and because of that I knew what I was feeling was normal. We had a rough week, but we loved her. We held her and kissed her and comforted her. Now love comes more easily. I know it's still a journey, but oh my gosh I love this little princess. I love her busyness and quick mind, her sassy little walk, and big giggle. I love her independence, though I'm going to need some wisdom to parent it!! I love when she thinks she's being funny and I have to keep myself from laughing when she tests the heck out of us. I love that she has started to pat my back when I hold her. And, although I wish she would snuggle longer, I love when she's tired and she let's me hold her. I love that she can feed herself and needs food in both hands, but wants bites of anything we have and comes at us with this big open mouth like a little bird. Oh my word, she is everything I hoped for and more. We are so blessed!!

Today our group went to see a Buddhist temple, shopping at some local markets and one other stop that I can't recall. Based on Caitlyn's aversion to all things travel, we were thinking about skipping it. When she had such a rough night, we decided for sure to skip it. It's kind of a bummer that we are missing these little day trips, but I'm holding to the fact that our first and most important mission is to make her feel loved and protected and that can't happen when she is screaming bloody murder on a bus.

So, we had some motrin and walked next door to some little shops this morning after breakfast and then came back for a nap. For $32 US, David got me a scarf, I got Caitie 3 little traditional outfits and I got a silk fan for a sweet little 6 year old at home, who just got her ears pierced!! :) Tonight we are taking our group pictures and hopefully one of the silk outfits I bought Caitie will fit her. Hopefully I'll post those pictures later.

1 comment:

  1. You could totally get a Chinese outfit to match the fan! And maybe one a little smaller too!
